Do I Need to Tell Uw Admisions I Am Going to Take the Sat/act Test Again

empty desk
The Covid pandemic prompted universities to rethink the value of standardized tests for admissions. Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Clara Chaplin had studied. She was ready. A junior at Bethlehem Central High School in Delmar, New York, she was scheduled to take the Sat on March fourteen, 2020. Then the pandemic hit, and the test was canceled.

The April Saturday was canceled too. All through the leap and summertime and into the fall, every exam date she signed up for was either full or canceled. As she submitted her college applications on November ane, she still didn't know how she'd score on the Sat she finally would manage to take on Nov 7.

Many students never fabricated it through the test-center door; the pandemic left much of the loftier school class of 2021 without an Sat or ACT score to submit. Facing test access challenges and irresolute application requirements, about half did non submit scores with their applications, according to Robert Schaeffer, executive manager of the nonprofit National Center for Fair & Open Testing in Boston. This didn't bar them from applying to the nation'south well-nigh selective colleges as information technology would have in whatsoever other year: Starting in leap 2020, in a trickle that became a drench, the nation's most selective colleges and universities responded to the situation by dropping the standardized exam score requirement for applicants.

Liberal arts colleges, technical institutes, historically blackness institutions, Ivies — more 600 schools switched to examination-optional for the 2020-21 application season, and dozens refused to consider test scores at all.

"That is a tectonic change for many schools," says Rob Franek, editor in chief of the Princeton Review, a test-prep company based in New York Urban center.

The pandemic sped up changes that were already afoot; fifty-fifty before Covid, more than one,000 colleges had fabricated the tests optional. Many had been turned off by the way the tests perpetuate socioeconomic disparities, limiting their ability to recruit a diverse freshman class. Some groups of students, including those who are Black or Hispanic, non-native English speakers, or low-income, regularly score lower than others. And students with learning disabilities struggle to get the accommodations they need, such equally extra fourth dimension, to perform their best.

Ironically, some early proponents of testing had hoped it would level the playing field, by measuring all students with the same yardstick no matter their background. That goal was never fully realized, but the tests persist because they do correlate to some extent with college grade point averages, offering schools an easy mode to predict which students will perform well once they matriculate.

Has the Pandemic Put an End to the SAT and ACT?
The number of students taking either the SAT or ACT has hovered effectually four million in recent years even equally the fence about the use of those tests for college admissions has heated up. For 2021 high schoolhouse graduates, the number of students sitting for the exams is not yet bachelor but is likely to exist much lower than previous years due to pandemic-related access issues. A key question is whether the downward trend will go along or if numbers will bounce dorsum as the Covid-19 threat wanes.

The benefits and risks of testing — existent and perceived — take fueled an ongoing, roiling fence among educational scholars, admissions officers and college counselors, and the year of canceled tests gave both sides plenty to chew on. "The fence out at that place is especially divisive right now," says Matthew Pietrefatta, CEO and founder of Academic Approach, a examination-prep and tutoring company in Chicago.

As the pandemic wanes, some advocates for disinterestedness in higher ed hope that schools realize they never needed the scores to begin with. The virus, Schaeffer says, may take made the indicate meliorate than 3 decades of inquiry indicating the feasibility of examination-free admissions.

Just others, including test-prep tutors and many educators, are humble virtually the loss of a tool to mensurate all students the same way. Standardized tests, they say, differ from loftier-schoolhouse grades, which vary from schoolhouse to school and are ofttimes inflated. "There is a place for testing in higher ed," says Jennifer Wilson, who has years of experience as a private test-prep tutor in Oakland, California.

In a postal service-Covid world, the challenge is to effigy out what, precisely, that identify should be.

An evolving yardstick

Testing in U.Due south. college admissions goes dorsum more than a century, and problems of race and inequity dogged the process from the showtime.

During the tardily 1800s, elite universities held their ain exams to assess applicants' grasp of higher prep material. To bring guild to the admissions process, leaders of aristocracy universities banded together to develop a common test, to be used past multiple leading universities. This produced the beginning Higher Board exams in 1901, taken by fewer than i,000 applicants. The tests covered nine areas, including history, languages, math and concrete sciences.

In the 1920s, the focus of admissions tests shifted from assessing learned textile to gauging innate ability, or aptitude. The thought for many, Schaeffer says, was to detect those young men who had smarts but couldn't afford a prep-schoolhouse didactics. That led to the 1926 debut of the College Lath's original Scholastic Aptitude Examination, which was spearheaded by Princeton University psychologist Carl Brigham. All-embracing equality wasn't exactly the goal. Brigham, who too saturday on the informational council of the American Eugenics Society, had recently assessed the IQs of military recruits during World State of war I, and opined that clearing and racial integration were dragging down American intelligence. (Brigham later recanted this opinion and broke with the eugenics movement.)

The Saturday was widely taken up in the years following Globe War II as a way to identify scholarly aptitude among returning soldiers seeking to use the GI Bill for their studies. Then, in the 1950s, University of Iowa professor of didactics E.F. Lindquist argued that it would be better to appraise what students learned in school, non some nebulous "aptitude." He designed the ACT, commencement administered in 1959, to lucifer Iowa high schoolhouse curricula.

Today, the Deed includes multiple-pick sections on English, math, reading and science, based on nationwide standards and curricula. The SAT, which is split into two parts covering math and reading and writing, has also adopted the strategy of assessing skills students learn in schoolhouse, and admissions officers have come to consider SAT and ACT scores interchangeable.

WWII veterans
In the wake of WWII, with a crush of returning soldiers seeking the educational benefits granted by the Servicemen's Readjustment Deed of 1944, known equally the G.I. Bill, the Saturday was seen equally a tool for identifying aptitude amongst the ranks. Bettmann/Getty Images

Until the pandemic, scores from one exam or the other were required past more than half of U.S. four-year institutions. Among the high school class of 2019, more than than ii million students took the Sabbatum and well-nigh 1.8 million took the Deed. Along with grades and courses taken, test scores topped the list of factors important to admission offices in pre-pandemic times, and were often used as a convenient cutoff: At some universities, candidates beneath a certain score weren't even considered.

What are we really measuring?

The very endurance of the test market speaks to the SAT's and ACT's perceived value for higher instruction. People in the manufacture say the tests address higher-relevant skills in reading, writing and math. "Tin can y'all edit your own writing? Tin can you write compelling, articulate, cogent arguments? This is about a larger set of skills y'all're going to need for higher and career," says Pietrefatta of the exam-prep visitor Academic Approach.

Not that universities take the tests' value for granted. Many schools have assessed what testing truly gives them, by and large finding that college scores correlate with college starting time-year higher GPAs and with higher graduation rates. The Academy of California, a behemoth in college ed with more than 280,000 students in its x-campus organisation, has considered, and reconsidered, the value of testing over the past two decades. In the about recent analysis, completed in January 2020, a faculty team institute that both high school GPA and test scores predicted higher GPA to a similar degree, but considered together, they did even improve. Final that the test scores added value without discriminating against otherwise-qualified applicants, in April 2020 UC's Academic Senate, made up of faculty, voted 51-0 (with one abstention) to reinstate the testing requirement one time the pandemic subsides.

But later that jump, UC's governing lath unanimously overruled the faculty, making the tests optional due in big office to their perceived discriminatory nature. A lawsuit brought past students with disabilities and minority students after collection UC to ignore all test scores going forward.

Even if test scores can predict college grades, admissions officers are looking for more than that. They seek immature adults who will apply their teaching to contribute to club by tackling of import challenges, be they climatic change, pollution or pandemics. That requires creativity, trouble-solving, insight, cocky-subject and teamwork — which are non necessarily taught in schools or gauged by standardized tests.

There are means to test for those qualities, says Bob Sternberg, a psychologist now at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. In a 2006 study sponsored past the College Board, maker of the SAT, he and his colleagues tried to predict higher GPAs better than the Sat lone can do by adding assessments of analytical, practical and artistic skills. To measure creativity, for example, they asked students to provide captions for New Yorker-style cartoons and to write short stories based on titles such as "The Octopus'due south Sneakers." They institute that by adding the extra assessments, the researchers doubled their power to predict higher GPA. Pupil scores on the additional exam materials were also less likely to correlate with race and ethnicity than the standard Saturday.

Sternberg put these ideas into practice in a previous position he held, as dean of arts and sciences at Tufts University, by adding boosted, optional questions to the university's awarding grade. "When you use tests like this, yous find kids who are really adaptively intelligent in a broader sense, but who are not necessarily the highest on the Saturday," he says. And when those students came to the university, he adds, generally "they did keen."

Has the Pandemic Put an End to the SAT and ACT?
Many higher admissions offices have relied heavily on GPA and standardized examination scores, often using the ACT and SAT results as a way to efficiently reduce the puddle of applicants for consideration. In a survey of schools by the National Association for College Access Counseling, more than 80 per centum of colleges said scores were of moderate or considerable importance to their decisions in 2017, topped merely by loftier school grades.

The real problem with testing

The question at the eye of the testing contend is whether relying heavily on the SAT and ACT keeps many students who would do well at college, particularly those from disadvantaged populations, from always getting a shot. The 2020 UC faculty report found that demographic factors such as ethnicity and parental income also influenced examination scores. "If you desire to know where people's zip codes are, utilise the SAT," says Laura Kazan, college counselor for the iLead Exploration lease school in Acton, California.

When poor, Black or brown students score lower, information technology's not exactly the tests' fault, says Eric Grodsky, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who analyzed the links between standardized testing and socioeconomic condition in the Annual Review of Sociology. That's because scores reflect disparities in students' lives before testing. Wealthy students, for example, might have benefited from parents who had more time to read to them as toddlers, all the way through to being able to afford to have both tests, multiple times, to obtain the best score.

Other kids might not fifty-fifty exist aware they're supposed to take a test or that information technology's something they can ready for, says James Layman, director of the Association of Washington Educatee Leaders, headquartered in Randle, Washington. Students from poorer schools tell him they often don't hear about examination prep or other opportunities, or they lack the time to take advantage of them because they're busy with jobs or caring for younger siblings. To try to level the field, in 2016 the College Board teamed upwardly with the nonprofit Khan University to offer free online Saturday prep materials, but even that requires an Net connection at home and the time and space to take advantage of the plan.

Thus, the disparities reflected in test scores result not from a failure of the tests so much every bit a failure to create a just educational system, Grodsky says. "We don't practice a proficient job of serving all our kids." And if examination scores determine one's future opportunities, using them tin can perpetuate those inequities.

Has the Pandemic Put an End to the SAT and ACT?
Critics of standardized testing take argued that the tests perpetuate educational inequities, keeping lower-income and Black and brownish students from having a off-white shot at inbound iconic gates at high-profile schools similar UC Berkeley's Sather Gate, pictured hither. Wikimedia Eatables

That suggests that admissions officers should, perhaps, turn to high-school grades. But those are fraught with their ain set of issues, such as inflation. In i instance, a recent study tracked algebra grades at North Carolina schools for a decade and reported that more than ane-third of students who got a B in Algebra weren't even rated "proficient" in the subject on a land test. Moreover, between 2005 and 2016, average GPAs at wealthy schools rose by 0.27 points, compared to simply 0.17 points at less affluent schools.

Of course, wealth and demographics as well influence access to other pre-college resources, such as advanced coursework and extracurriculars. But ranking applicants by test scores is particularly likely to put people of sure races on the top or the bottom of the list, argued Saul Geiser, UC Berkeley sociologist and quondam managing director of admissions inquiry for the UC system, in a 2017 article.

Clearly, the tests aren't all good, or all bad. There's a lot of dash, says Pietrefatta: The tests offer value in terms of the skills they assess and the predictions they make, fifty-fifty as they remain unfair to certain groups of people who haven't been positioned to master those skills. This leaves colleges that value both diversity and well-prepared freshmen trying to strike a fragile, perhaps incommunicable, balance between the two.

Edifice a class, test-free: Admissions in Covid times

The pandemic forced a number of universities to rebalance their approach to admissions, leaving them no choice but to experiment with ditching standardized tests. And the results weren't then bad.

Name-brand schools like Harvard experienced a massive spike in applications. The UC system saw applications for fall 2021 admission balloon by 15 percent over those for 2020. At UC Berkeley and UCLA, applications from Black students rose past nearly 50 per centum, while applications from Latinos were up by almost a third.

To choose among all those college hopefuls, many institutions took a holistic approach — looking at factors such as rigor of high school curriculum, extracurriculars, essays and special circumstances — to fill in the gaps left by missing examination scores.

Have the case of Wayne Land Academy in Detroit, where earlier Covid, high school GPA and standardized exam scores were used as a cutoff to hack xviii,000 applications down to a number the university'south eight admissions counselors could manage. "Information technology was but easier," says senior director of admissions Ericka M. Jackson.

In 2020, Jackson's squad changed tack. They fabricated examination scores optional and asked applicants for more materials, including curt essays, lists of activities and evaluation by a high school guidance counselor. Assessing the extra material required assistance from temporary staff and other departments, but it was an eye-opening feel, Jackson says. "I literally am sometimes in tears reading the essays from students, what they've overcome … the GPA can't tell you lot that."

Many students were thrilled that they didn't take to take standardized tests. At the iLead Exploration charter school, terminal twelvemonth's higher hopefuls included several who may non have even applied in a normal twelvemonth, Kazan says. "There were and then many people that came to me, then happy and and then excited, and and so eager to utilise to college, when before they were in fright of the test." And when the admissions letters came in, she adds, the students had "phenomenal" success. Seniors were admitted to top schools including UCLA, USC and NYU.

The road ahead

Kazan has loftier hopes for the senior course of '22, too, and won't exist pressuring anyone to sign upwardly for a standardized test, even if exam dates are more attainable as the pandemic wanes. That's considering many institutions plan to run across how test-optional admissions go, for a yr or more than, before reconsidering the value of the tests. More than 1,500 of them have already committed to a examination-optional policy for the upcoming admissions season.

For hints of what'due south to come up if they continue along that route, admissions officers can look to schools that have been exam-optional for years, even decades.

Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, dropped the Sabbatum requirement in 1984, asking for alternative test scores instead, before making all testing optional in 1990. In 2011, Bates took a expect dorsum at more than than 2 decades of test-optional admissions, and how enrollees fared after they came to higher. Dropping the test requirement led to an increase in the diversity of Bates's applicants, with major growth in enrollment of students of color, international attendees and people with learning disabilities. Once those students reached college, the achievement difference between students who submitted test scores and those who didn't was "negligible," says Leigh Weisenburger, Bates's vice president for enrollment and dean of admission and financial assistance. Those who submitted test scores earned an boilerplate GPA of 3.xvi at Bates, versus iii.xiii for non-submitters. The divergence in graduation rates was just one percent.

The landscape volition be forever shifted by the events of the pandemic, says Jim Jump, academic dean and director of college counseling at St. Christopher's School in Richmond, Virginia. "The toothpaste is non going dorsum in the tube." One big factor, he says, is the fact that the Academy of California won't look at test scores anymore. That ways many California students won't carp to take a standardized exam, Spring says, making it hard for schools hoping to recruit Californians to require them.

At that place will, of course, exist holdouts, he adds: The nigh elite, selective schools may be immune to that pressure. And universities that receive lots of applications might go back to a test-score cutoff to bring the pile of applications down to a manageable number, saving on the fourth dimension and attempt that holistic admissions entail.

The ultimate solution to the dilemma may lie in flexibility. "I think information technology should be optional from now on," says Chaplin, who was fully satisfied with her Sat score after she finally managed to take the test, and is headed for highly ranked Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. This would allow strong test-takers to shine but also let applicants showcase other strengths.

Students at the Association of Washington Student Leaders agree, Layman says — they don't think test scores truly reverberate who they are.

"There are other ways," they tell him, "for colleges to get to know u.s., and usa them."


Knowable Magazine is an independent journalistic endeavor from Annual Reviews.


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